

  Great Cold


  Great Cold is the last solar term of the 24 solar terms

  过了大寒 我们又将迎来新一年的节气轮回

  After the Great Cold, we will usher in a new round of solar terms


  Great Cold is the coldest solar term in winter

  风大 低温 天寒地冻 是这个节气的特点

  Featuring strong wind, low temperature and cold weather

  此时的冷 比小寒更深 更浓

  By this point, the chill is more intense than the Minor Cold


  After the Great Cold, it is the Spring Festival

  人们已经在准备各种年货、扫尘洁物 除旧饰新

  People will be busy preparing special purchases for the Spring Festival, sweeping the dust, removing the old and welcoming the new


  Although it’s very cold in Great Cold


  It cannot stop people’s desire for rest and reunion


  After a year of hard work




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